Welcome to the Capitol Preservation Board Energy Savings and Sustainability on Capitol Hill. This blog will focus upon the elements required to help the Utah State Capitol become more energy efficient and sustainable for the upcoming 100 years.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Energy Services Companies (ESCO) on Capitol Hill

The executive director of the Capitol Preservation Board in consultation with DFCM’s John Harrington is interested in pursuing several ESCO projects on Capitol Hill. The focus will be on projects with a 7 year payback located mainly in the State Office Building however, all of the buildings on Capitol Hill will be investigated for possible projects. The State of Utah has held a preliminary qualification of ESCO organization. The executive director has after review selected the following teams to provide information in a second round of selection specific to the Capitol Hill projects. These firms are:
o TAC Energy Solutions
o Chevron Energy Solutions
o Trane
o Siemens Building Technologies Inc.
These teams will be notified the week of September 14th and asked to confirm their involvement or interest in the stage two submittal process by the 18th of September. Following the receipt of confirmation of each team a RFP along with a sample contract will be sent to them via email the week of September 21st. The firms will then have three weeks to review and submit their proposal to the Capitol Preservation Board Office. Please submit proposal to:

Attention David H, Hart, FAIA, Executive Director,
Capitol Preservation Board
Utah State Capitol room 120
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114.

RFP responses are due no later than 2:00 PM on the 8th of October 2009 in the Capitol Preservation Board offices address above. All proposals received later than this identified time will be returned unopened. Please submit a minimum of 3 complete proposals.

Questions shall be submitted in writing to the executive director via email at dhart@utah.gov. All answers will be posted on this blog within a reasonable time period. No questions will be answered after October 2, 2009 at 5:00 PM. It is the responsibility of the proposing team to check this blog and to make sure that they have read the answers to the questions.

The executive director will assemble a selection committee to review and to identify the ranking of the four teams. The highest ranked team will be invited in for an interview where members of the selection team will be interested in learning about the management plan for the project and pricing. If the highest ranked team is successful in addressing the questions and concerns of the selection committee they will be invited to begin negotiations with the CPB for a Technical Energy Audit and Project Proposal Contact. If successful the team will receive a notice to proceed. If for any reason the highest ranked team is not successful then the executive director will terminate discussions and move the seconded highest ranked team and so on until a team is successful and a contract is negotiated.